"Make Healthy Food
Appealing and Appetizing".
Dr. Avantina has a passion for communicating facts about health, food, nutrition and wellness to people. She loves interacting with children, young adults and the not so young to dispel myths they might have as well as guide them towards holistic health .
She loves to write on health and nutrition issues. Some of her books are Textbook of Food Science and Technology, Principles of Therapeutic Nutrition and Dietetics, Food Product Development , Healthy Recipe Guide and Basic Plant Pathology.
Besides this she has contributed chapters to many books as well.
Being creative she utilizes her time to develop therapeutic recipes for the benefit of one and all.
Being a globetrotter, she loves to travel and sample ethnic dishes from those regions. This helps her to combine unique ingredients from global cuisines and make her innovative recipes appetizing to the palette while being healthy at the same time.
She has worked internationally including at The City University of New York, USA and with NGO consortium in Geneva, Switzerland. She also delivers talks for Universities, Private institutes and businesses besides running her own consultancy